@Chenshine_21 aww thank you bb <3 im very much alright tho! ive already completed blood house's next chapter but ive been working on a new oneshot ;) i plan to release both of them on the same date, so please keep your hopes up! hehe
@Dreamy-Viollets ngaww nooo its completely fine :') so long people enjoy what i write it doesn't matter how many followers i have. thank you for the thought though! you're so sweet <3
Hi I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate the time and effort your spent on blood house, love it! The second I read the first chapter it immediately was added to my library. I like how there’s actually a plot whereas other stories it’s nonexistent XD! Keep up what you are doing! Can’t wait for the next update!
@Sunfish_Mingi aww thank you so much for this message, im so so sorry for the late reply, i will update very soon! Thank you so much for reading, i wont disappoint you!