Hello Dear readers, it's been a minute...or months....
to be honest, my inspiration hasn't left me, nor do I plan on abandoning this project.
It's been quite an insane couple of weeks and so many events have happened to me. But one event that, At first, felt hard but didn't impact me at the time it happened., but after some time and serious mental check-ups. I realized that I was in severe mental pain.
The passing of Akira Toriyama stumped and shattered my creative mind. I never met the man, I never saw him in person. I have never heard his voice until after his passing. But yet he was held in such high regard in my mind and heart that when I heard the news, I kept going. but only doing the bare minimum.
My drive to keep writing left me, but my love for The Dragonball series spread right into my mind after he died. His work touched my heart, my will, my mind, and many others as well. He brought my family together, I remember talking to my brothers about the SuperBroly movie, and how much we loved it.
He was an inspiration in my life and the MAIN reason why I wanted to write this story in the first place. I wish that he knew how much he impacted the whole world. How much we love what he did, but all he wanted to do was sit back, read a naughty magazine, and be himself. I adore that. And I wish I could reach that level of creativity, while also reaching the level of joy and ease he had.
I will continue to write. And I hope I can see him fly again, maybe even be there with him as he soars. Thanks gang, for understanding and reading this. It means the world to me. I'll do my best to keep this going. And thank you to those who helped me get here. I love you all. :]
See you guys in a bit!
Thank you, Mr. Toriyama