
forgot to say, but I can also be found at Substack
          	I have a few short stories and poems there, if anyone's interested. I am also trying to improve my writing there.


I'm gonna take a break from Wattpad for a few weeks, as I'm so far behind in my other projects I feel bad >.< lack of employment and a weak Canadian dollar aren't helping either.
          gonna continue working on my Zelda fanfic, plus read a big book about orchestration techniques, which will help me tremendously in learning proper orchestral composition. it's just that notation is like math and a new language at the same time, taking quite a lot of effort to learn.
          I am hoping to return March!


I discovers a new word: setae, which refers to the barbs or hairs of insects and other arthropods. since it is anatomically the correct term, I've replaced the usage of 'feathers' with 'setae / seta' for the Ovixal in my scifi. However, in dialogue, the Ovixal still refer to their setae as plumage or feathers, alluding to the appearance rather than terminology.


i just realized I forgot to specify the beach Ollorix goes to in chapter 2. I've updated this specific with the following:
          Alien talons combed Alti Beach sands, his plumage slightly swaying in the wind. Out into the waters, the tips of ruined buildings poked out from submerged islands, remains of the 21st century now serving seals and seabirds.


OK, I'm gonna start re-posting my older stories in the coming months. I feel I have reached a point in my writing where I cannot learn any more, nor can I improve anything anywhere. since I've reached the climax of my writing abilities, I feel I can edit my older works one last time, and from there, I will appreciate what skills remain and make do with what little I have.


@Clockworks_Drag0n you're welcome! I took my stories off as I thought nobody was reading them, so wondered if i was just spamming Wattpad.  I also wanted to feel free to edit them a bit. I've since concluded to have longer chapters, around three to five thousand words, which I feel is my preferred length.
            Sorry to hear of your issues! I never finished my college, I was never a good student XD wishing you the best vibes as you work through higher education! I couldn't do it myself, but if you can read my stories, you can get through college!
            Glad to hear I can have a positive impact! I don't think I've ever had more than one temporary reader, but I will definitely keep my stories around. I just wanna edit them some more, rework them into a more thorough product.
            I've been a bit busy working on my music and a short story contest. I will also be posting in substack (eventually) as I heard it's the best place to post stories. 
            thanks again!


@JonathanKonopka I'm glad you reposted Skyhook (Cloudchild). I was wondering why it was taken down but I wasn't confident enough to ask. Also, since I've been really stressed out due to college and chronic health issues, I'm not here much, but I want you to know that I love your work and I still look forward to your story updates. You're one of the reasons why I still have Wattpad on my phone XD.


finished editing chapter 1 of Exuvia Initiative, updating especially the description of Ollorix's face which was compared to a dolphin's though this was rather out of place for an insectoid. to avoid any possible confusion, I have now accurately stuck with how I imagined the species with tighter, slightly longer sentences.
          Will work on editing chapter 2 soon