
          	I decided to post some novella's I had in my drafts for a long time now.
          	Two of them are already completed. If you wish to check them out, I will post on my second profile.
          	Feedback will be appreciated! ☺️
          	Thank you everyone who was by my side all this time I was not active!


          I decided to post some novella's I had in my drafts for a long time now.
          Two of them are already completed. If you wish to check them out, I will post on my second profile.

          Feedback will be appreciated! ☺️
          Thank you everyone who was by my side all this time I was not active!


Which contest did you all entered? I wanted to go for fantasmical2023 but I just couldn't build my character in time.
          Rank to write is nir attracting me, so I went after The Shadow Trials.
          I will soon finish my entry for June and ... I am scared to post it.
          My work from this profile is mirrored on few sites, which is giving me great discomfort.
          Maybe I should just post on my second profile?? 
          Do leave me comments so I can check up your entries 


Hello there ...
          It was brought to my attention that my work is copied and posted here
          My poetry book and also the new story i made it's already uploaded there wand most of your poetry entries are in there.
          It's a mirror site so almost all Wattpad it reposted on there.
          It's my first time meeting such situations and I have no idea how we can solve such. 
          I read some comments about such and the best action is to unpublish our books, but until when? 
          I'm so disappointed....


@stopperbuns yes… but wattpad has no option in dealing with them. So either we accept the idea of our work being mirrored, either we remove it so they will take it down also. 


@GiaCondurache but I don't think that's a solution, if we unpublish then what's the use of being here (T_T), and whenever we'll republish the books,  they would still get copied


@stopperbuns exactly. Everything we modify, they also update. The only way to escale is to unpublish the books. 


I finally have some free time so I decided to pick this one again.
          In my mind, it should be a short story.
          Let’s see how it will develop 
          Thank you all for voting and for those who give me feedback (big hugs)


Sorry I still didn't check all the entries for versification! I will do such soon! 
          I had a busy schedule ahead, a project at work that I just finished and moving to another country definitely drained me.
          It's hard to adjust and the kids test my patience a lot, so i don't spend much time online these days.
          When I will get some time, definitely I want to check them all!


@GiaCondurache No worries! Take as much time as you need. ☺️


@GiaCondurache Don't worry about it, take your time! I hope everything went well with moving! <3


I can't believe versification is over! 
          We made it!
           At first I had doubts if I could make it until the end, but now I realize I had fun!
          And I met new people!
          Thank you all for being here! 
          Hope we can enter more contents and enjoy the bond we share, writing! 
          Thank you so much for the support:
           @stopperbuns @preciouspearl20 @cartoon-addict @ruvineet @anu_chan_ @gretasarahampel @storieswithsoul @ladylightsword @demigod_with_a_quirk @priscillawrites18 and all the amazing writers I met!!!


@GiaCondurache thank you too. :) I feel like it's a huge accomplishment, so well done! I really enjoyed your poems.


@GiaCondurache Congratulations! And all the best. 


@GiaCondurache Thank you to you too!!! Your poems were amazing as always and i was glad to work alongside with you! hope that we can meet in the future for such contests.Thank you for your votes and views too<33