
Hi. I'm aware it's been awhile, and I'd like to formally apologize. If it's not apparent, I will be taking a break from writing this story, as I must focus on getting into college.  But more importantly, I need to reassess and evaluate the story. Thank you for your nice comments and your reads, hopefully when the time is right we will reunite again .-. 


@Joonies00Liner It's alright Zai, take all the time you need 


@Joonies00Liner It's alright Zai, take all the time you need 


Hi. I'm aware it's been awhile, and I'd like to formally apologize. If it's not apparent, I will be taking a break from writing this story, as I must focus on getting into college.  But more importantly, I need to reassess and evaluate the story. Thank you for your nice comments and your reads, hopefully when the time is right we will reunite again .-. 


@Joonies00Liner It's alright Zai, take all the time you need 


@Joonies00Liner It's alright Zai, take all the time you need 


Okay. So I'm sorry for ghosting. But I've had a lot going on, as this is my senior year and I've been working on college applications. But I've written many pages in storyboarding and planning, so I hope to update very soon, and also my data renews tomorrow so I'll be able to write from home 


Alright. It has been a month or more since I've updated. Ive been going through hard times lately, and writing was the last thing on my mind. I've thought about you guys, but I don't want to just spit out a chapter just for the sake of an update. Tonight, I've finished my homework early, so I will start planning the next chapter!
          Whoever's still here, thanks for not giving up on me. 


@Joonies00Liner You don't have to rush anything~ I'd rather wait for quality content then have something that was created just for the sake of creation 


Hi guys! My phone has been confiscated for two weeks, so updating will be a bit difficult. That is the bad news. The good news,is that I will continue to write so that when I come back, I will update! There may be a double update of Instagram style chapters, one long full length chapter like Wanderlust— who knows?! I love you all,and please don't hate me for my absence