
Hello My Beautiful Followers!
          	How you going? Its currently 10:20pm here.
          	Okay, back to what I was going talk about.
          	If you have noticed...My Supernatural Imagines is nearly reaching 1,000 reads. Which is a Big Milestone for me....since I never really thought I'll get to this point.
          	So! I was thinking that I would make a chapter which is filled with a lot of fan theories that are Supernatural based.....and I wanted you guys (My fabulous followers) to comment or send me a message with your favourite Theories or your own theories. Don't be shy....I know you want to.
          	No, but seriously...If you have any fan theories send them my doesn't matter how. You don't have to be scared or anxious about sending me your ideas. I don't bite.
          	Okay, I don't know how I'm going to need this.....this is very new to me.
          	*p.s if there are spelling mistakes in this or it doesn't make sense...I'm sorry, it's late, I'm sleepy.....I think I'm going to go to bed now.*


Hello My Beautiful Followers!
          How you going? Its currently 10:20pm here.
          Okay, back to what I was going talk about.
          If you have noticed...My Supernatural Imagines is nearly reaching 1,000 reads. Which is a Big Milestone for me....since I never really thought I'll get to this point.
          So! I was thinking that I would make a chapter which is filled with a lot of fan theories that are Supernatural based.....and I wanted you guys (My fabulous followers) to comment or send me a message with your favourite Theories or your own theories. Don't be shy....I know you want to.
          No, but seriously...If you have any fan theories send them my doesn't matter how. You don't have to be scared or anxious about sending me your ideas. I don't bite.
          Okay, I don't know how I'm going to need this.....this is very new to me.
          *p.s if there are spelling mistakes in this or it doesn't make sense...I'm sorry, it's late, I'm sleepy.....I think I'm going to go to bed now.*