this message may be offensive
Last Saturday, I woke up thinking how great my day would be, my little brothers birthday was the next day, and we were going to celebrate. I woke up, and everything I saw broke my heart. "Christina Grimmie shot and killed" My heart dropped, it was all a dream. Then I realized it wasn't a dream. My heart broke for the fans that were there, her brother who was with her, for her parents, for anyone that was there. All because some deranged fan thought "if I can't have her, no one can." Did you know, that where that man worked, other people made fun of him for his obsession. That doesn't help someone who's already planning on marrying someone they don't even know! We need to stop and think about the people we make fun of. It doesn't have to be someone obsessing over a famous person, it can be anyone. Anyone who thinks no one likes them, anyone who gets made fun, anyone who's the joke of the school. Anyone could do this. So stop making fun of people who others think are strange, or different. It's not guns that kill people, it's people that kill people. A gun can't hold a grudge against someone, a gun can't wake up and think "oh I'm gonna kill this person" A gun can't pull the trigger. It's people. So please try and think about people you pass. Christina you are already missed so much. My heart goes out to your family, your fans, anyone that loves you. See you soon beautiful girl.