
Don't mind me over here publishing to the wrong book. My bad, it's fixed now! Another part coming tomorrow!!


Whew, okay, ear infections suck and slowed me down. I'm going to try to get two chapters up this week. Three if I get on a roll now that i'm done editing my third book in my self-published series. Weee!! Now come on, Bucky, Syd, and Steve... TALK TO ME!!


Okay, decision made, and it's a good one. I'm dedicating my 50K word goal in November to Moon & Stars: Ghost... which might be enough to get me into the third book, so yay! If I can get one more update before November, I will, but I have to finish my edits on my 3rd IRL book first and finish reading the three ARC/Beta Reads I have.


@JordynBBarnes I never saw this update! Exciting!!! I love this book and am thrilled there will be a 3rd and ive missed my Sunday updates!


this message may be offensive
I'm taking a break. I feel like two people are reading this thing, engagement is tanking (there wasn't much before, anyhow), and it's making me rethink this whole book/site. There's a good chance I'll come back, wrap up book two with a happy ending, and be done with it. Which sucks, because I had 3 long books planned. I love writing Bucky, Syd, and Steve, but every time I open wattpad or the other site, I just dread it. It's not fun anymore. Maybe I'm just in a shit mood, but I don't think so.


I also read them every time they come out, I just don’t comment!


I love your stories! The last chapter felt really strange. Almost felt like it wasn’t written by you. But I’m still here for it! Please don’t stop! I read usually at night under my blankets and a weighted blanket with only one pinky out to scroll. So it’s hard for me to comment but I do try to vote!


@JordynBBarnes I LOVE your stories!  I'm not much of a comment person (sorry), but I always try to vote!  


Okay, update posted!
          Also, as of tomorrow, I will be a published book author. It was a story I was planning on doing as a Bucky AU fic, but then I changed my mind and made it a real, self-published book. So, if you like my writing style, check out Let Me Love You Anyway :) 