

Should I post a new story I'm working on (almost positive I'll update it every other day) or continue with books I've already posted? If I continue with MGM, the chapters might not be as good as they should be and I want to give you Best of the Best.  I'm thinking about taking it down and revising it. Thoughts and feedback please!!


Gosh I'm sorry guys!!! I've had such severe writers block it's horrible!! I'm working on getting back in the game and finishing most of my stories. Thank you for all my new followers and for the ones who've been here since the beginning. Your support is fantastic and all of you mean so much to me. 


Another quick preview? Maybe..... 
          “You don’t drive.” He covered his pocket and walked very ungracefully to the front driver’s side door. 
          “I have to tonight Jace, give me the keys.” He shook his head no again and went to open the door until I stepped in front of it blocking his path. 
          “Johnathan give me the keys.” I held my hand out which made him pout, it was nearly 3 in the morning and we were fighting over who was going to drive his drunk ass home. 
          “Don’t call me that. I like it when you call me Jace.” He stroked my cheek and I took the opportunity to grab the keys from his pocket. 
          “Jace, get in the truck, I’m driving you home.” He nodded and slid into the driver’s side before sliding over to the other side resting his head against the cool glass. 
          “Take me to your house, I like your bed.” I nodded and turned over the engine to his truck, I swallowed the fear down in my throat and put the truck into drive and let my foot off the brake pedal. 
          When the truck jumped forward I slammed my foot on the brake once more and started doubting myself about my driving capabilities. I was shaking. 
          “Relax.” Jace slid over and placed his hand on my knee securely which filled me with reassurance as well as calmness. 
          “Let off the brake and cruise forward.” I did as he said and the truck move forward again causing a mini heart attack to form in my chest. 
          “Good now apply a little gas, you don’t have to go the speed limit if you don’t want to.” His words were slurred as he rested his head on my shoulder, even drunk he could back seat drive better than I could drive sober.


Quick preview of A Lifetime to Forget, my newest story that should arrive December 25 with the first five chapters. This is a gift to all my followers for 19k on My Mate and 103ish on My Gorgeous Mate. Lemme know what you think in comments!!!!!! preview below 
          “You’re insane when you drink.” He smiled still holding my hand as we walked together towards the tree line where some people lingered talking.
          “Why do you think I don’t drink often?” I was beginning to slur my words which crushed my ego some because I’d only had two and a half cups of whatever he was drinking and I was already feeling woozy. 
          “What was I even drinking?” My head pounded numbly but I kept walking to show Jace I was okay. 
          “Moonshine.” I rolled my eyes, or at least I think I did; of course it had to be moonshine. 
          “Where are you taking me now?” We rounded a turn, now in the woods, there was a clearing with a couple fallen tree limbs in a circle like somebody had put them that way. They were big enough to sit on.
          “For some air and I need to see how bad your hand looks.” He stopped and grabbed my other hand which was dull and numb like my body felt but cuts and purple bruising littered my knuckles unattractively. 
          “Damn, you hit him hard.” He smoothed over my cuts making me wince slightly but keep my eyes focused on him. 
          “You’re really hot.” I poked his face nearly falling to my knees from dizziness. 
          “Really? I get that a lot but never from you.” He caught my arms and sat me down on a log. I thanked him for it in my mind. 
          “I don’t feel so hot anymore.” He sat down beside him and soon my face was in his neck and I was trying to find my equilibrium while being swamped by his outrageously good smelling cologne.