
I’d like to thank Captain America Brave New World for essentially proving Steve and Team Cap was right for not trusting Ross or the Accords in Civil War 


Now I’m not a huge Taylor Swift fan, i enjoy some of her music but not a huge fan, and I find some of her crazy fans annoying, but even I find the way some NFL dudes are acting ridiculous. If Taylor Swift appearing on the screen cheering on her boyfriend for a few seconds is enough to ruin the experience for you, you were never a true football fan. Also, more people are watching the NFL and people are bonding because of it. Take a chill pill dudes 


Y’all I can’t believe Disney robbed us of a romance between Asha and a Magical star boy in Wish, and robbed us of an incredible love song! Ugh. The fact that it was their 100th and they didn’t include the one thing Disney is known for; ROMANCE