First timer here. How the hell everything works?
(Literally publishing here for two weeks already. I need help)
'Fake it 'til you make it' is my motto.
  • Italia (for some time at least)
  • InscritMarch 19, 2016


Dernier message
JorieDS JorieDS Mar 29, 2019 06:17PM
New chapter of my new self insert fic! Go Naruto
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Histoires par JorieDS
\Backslash par JorieDS
Phoenix!Harry is wandering around an unknown world enjoying himself in his new form while trying to discover...
ranking #692 dans la catégorie phoenix Voir tous les classements
Feeling Good par JorieDS
Feeling Good
Ever since I could remember I always had these weird dreams, dreams of another life. They were vivid images a...
ranking #106 dans la catégorie Voir tous les classements
Unnatural selection par JorieDS
Unnatural selection
Sometimes Ichigo hates life. Other times, life hates him back. Or the one story in which Ichigo has to deal w...
ranking #401 dans la catégorie ichigokurosaki Voir tous les classements
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