Our story begins with a goofball born in Greeley, Colorado. Raised in a small town I'm sure none of you have heard of, Brush!, our hero began his journey for fame and fortune. A few bumps, bruises, and sidewinding roads later, he began to write, perform in plays, and make people uncomfortable to relieve stress. More recently he decided his Google Drive was getting crowded. Not the greatest of spellers either our hero is always appreciative of edits and constructive or... hell even destructive criticisms. I am our hero. I am the goof ball. I am Jose Sanchez and these are the tales from and of my adventures.

Twitter: @joseas1993
Snapchat: josesanchez1993
Facebook: /JoseASanchez1993
  • Greeley, Colorado
  • انضمJune 7, 2017

قصص بقلم Jose Sanchez
The Male and Female Interactions بقلم JoseSanchez182
The Male and Female Interactions
This is a two part series portraying my perspective of how guys and girls react to each other on a regular ba...
ranking #1 في pennyforyourthoughts إظهار جميع المراتِب
Cletus And Coffee Shops بقلم JoseSanchez182
Cletus And Coffee Shops
this is part 2 to the cletus series. im now starting to wonder if it was a trilogy or a 4 part series... that...
Cletus the Internet douche بقلم JoseSanchez182
Cletus the Internet douche
part 3 in the 4 part series of cletus skits
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