
Grandma passed today at 3:23 PM


@DrifterHusk I don't really feel anything. All I felt was a tightness in my chest that went away as quickly as it appeared. My emotions have always been different compared to normal kids. I know I should feel sad. But, I don't want to say I don't care its just I feel apathetic to it.


@ JosefRoque  My condolences to you. I know how it feels loosing a grandparent.


Grandma passed today at 3:23 PM


@DrifterHusk I don't really feel anything. All I felt was a tightness in my chest that went away as quickly as it appeared. My emotions have always been different compared to normal kids. I know I should feel sad. But, I don't want to say I don't care its just I feel apathetic to it.


@ JosefRoque  My condolences to you. I know how it feels loosing a grandparent.


Just found out my grandma is terminal.


@JosefRoque Seeing as I lost my grandmother a few months ago I can say that it will hurt at first, but as I said to myself, just remember the best moments, and that they lived a long time. enjoy the last however much time you have with them. and after that... take a break to collect yourself, do not let this be your downfall, be it on here or in your actual life.


@JosefRoque Sorry man may God and Omnissiah help you in this time of need


My Lola is in the hospital. They suspect it's leukemia. We need to wait for the results tomorrow.


@animeweeb2OO6 She was released and went home for 2 days. Then she got worse and went back. My mom said sepsis was starting. Lola just came back from 3 hours of dialysis today.


@JosefRoque hope they get better. Good luck to you both.


Scuse me if im rude.
          But about MES, It reminds me of another story very similar in terms of abilities but a complete diffirent use but anyway, i wanted to ask if you've ever found something similar to your story MES because you made me go into a search frenzy trying to find that book and i can't find It. I Hope the creator didn't get purged or something. Love the story so far!


I finally found It, it's called Eat, Die, Evolve. It has only like 3 tags lol and if you wanna give It a read search It on hivemind youll' find It if you wanna read it


I don't Remember but It was similar to yours 


Two months ago, I was in my school's restroom and some senior high schoolers were bothering me. After they left, a teacher went into the restroom and asked me what was all the noise (I was in a stall so I didn't see him only heard). so I told him about what happened, and we talked for a bit before he left.
          I learned later that the teacher didn't go to work that day and my conversation with him was impossible, meaning I hallucinated an entire conversation.