
Hey everyone, Chapter 4 is now out for you all to read. This will be the end of the prelude of the series, meaning all chapters moving forward are based on the original episodes of the season.  However the upload will be sparce as it depends on my motivation and writer block.


Hey everyone, Chapter 4 is now out for you all to read. This will be the end of the prelude of the series, meaning all chapters moving forward are based on the original episodes of the season.  However the upload will be sparce as it depends on my motivation and writer block.


Sorry for the long period, i'm currently suffering from motivation and having some blocks at to how I should do some parts of the chapters. 
          My goal is to reach 30 Chapters, 4 being the build-up into the events of season 1 and the 26 the original episodes. 3 have been released and now all it's left is 'Pactsworn Pantheon' in order to begin 'Darkness Rising Part One'.


I'm also limiting myself on making the chapters reach 3000 words as bare minimum, since I want the book to be lenghty and give as much detail as I can without the usage of images, videos or GIF


Hello everyone! I apologize for the deletion of my previous account. However as I was writing the book the account suffered a lot of errors and in the end got erased. I didn't want to give up on the book and thus I'm redoing "The Earth's Spark" once more. 
          Please enjoy


I have been searching but I haven't found anything yet.
            Which is a bummer to say the least.


I know there are websites that copy Wattpad stories. Try googling your old username and title. Maybe it will come up on one of those and you can recover it.