
Thank you so much for following me! My story Quaking (now available on wattpad) was rejected by the chief editor of a traditional publisher with a comment that led me to believe that I was being rejected because I didn't have a big enough social media following. A number of publishing agents have reinforced this interpretation. It means the world to me that I've been followed. Thank you! Have the most wonderful of wonderful days! With joy! K-Lark


I posted "Witch Hunt," an dystopian action short story that might, maybe, sorta qualify as a thriller.


I posted Rajneeshee Revival in honor of your request.


You know what? I might have a thriller short story I can post. I've been kind of agonizing on how to do the cover and so...haven't. I don't even know how to tag it. I don't even know if it technically qualifies as a thriller but I've been told by readers elsewhere that they held their breath for a few thousand words.