
I think there's something wrong with Wattpad. Sometimes I write a word, then I find another one altogether. Though I don't write directly in the website; I use Google docs, then I copy paste.
          	Is it just me?


@Joseph_S15 could you please continue Glitch HP X Jumanji?


Guys, I know you all want to have Glitch updated, I do too, but we shouldn't constantly pester the author like this, it tends to kill motivation


The author is busy with their dissertation. That’s what they told me. 


@NikkiFormales0 I get that, I really do, it's very frustrating when you have a story you really like, but it hasn't been updated in a while, I have a few others like that, but from what I have seen, constantly asking for an update won't get anywhere, I've seen plenty of authors lose motivation to continue writing because they are pressured to update, who knows, maybe something happened in their life that they need to take a break from this. It's a hard thing to do, writing anything, really, so even if we get impatient, I think it would be best not to pester too much 
            (sorry that I basically wrote a whole essay here)


@SadRaccoon_ sorry it's just been months the last time she/he update it