
Hi friends, 
          	I have decided to post the first rewritten chapter of 'Poison' and will update as I rewrite the book. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!
          	Be safe as always <3


Hi all!
          So a lot of people have been adding the corruption series to their libraries lately. First off, THANK YOU for being interested in my work! I wrote these books a long while ago and I am not super proud of my writing so wondering if anyone would be interested if I edited/rewrote this series and possibly some other books I have out there?
          Have a lovely day everyone <3


Wow hi everyone, I haven't written anything in a long while and I am super excited to say that I have started writing again, but, of course, it's a new book and not one of the 500 I have currently going on, oh well. 
          Anyway, I have a new fanfiction posted called 'forlorn hope'. For all of my Harry Potter lovelies out there, this is a Sirius Black fanfiction because I honestly am pretty obsessed with the hp universe and the Marauders Era right now. Be sure to check it out, I am so excited for this, hopefully I can keep up with it--fingers crossed!!
          As always, be safe, be kind, and happy reading.


I'm reading 'Red' by Keala Leilani and I cannot read any other Daryl Dixon fanfictions at the moment because this book is just so so so amazing. I have to focus on this one and this one only because I don't think there will ever be another DD fanfic that will match up to it but I like really want to read another DD fanfic in the times between updates. So, if anyone has ANY advice, please let a dying fangirl know because I am in need of some Daryl Dixon.