
Salem's Grimoire is a story that I believe will be my best work yet. It will be a story that will have just about everything you could hope for.


Just posted chapter 4 of Four Orphan Swords. I apologize for the long wait. I haven't given up on my stories. I've just been pretty busy. So far you've gotten to meet all four of the orphan swords: Tyler, Ty'karius, Luciana, and Dá mǐ ān. The first chapters were just a way to introduce you all to the new characters. Chapter 5 is where the adventure begins


I'm still working on Once Together, Forever Apart but another story that I have been working on for longer that also has more chapters already done, Four Orphan Swords,  was hiding in my tablet and I decided I may as well upload this story to the site as well. Four Orphan Swords though will be the first book series that I have ever done.


One great thing about giving your brain a break when writing stories is that when even a story that you feel stuck in a rut with, you can get amazing ideas that make the story better than you originally thought it would be