
Josh, do you think Tetsuyuki might put good used against Orangorian or Redderian in battlefield in near future? After im seeing combat tested on Alpha Werewolf in 19th chapter, it is time put on Orangorian Army reinforcements that suppose to be reinforce main camp that not far from destroyed frontline camp and Dreadhold Citadel itself.


@JoshNathaniel2 Simply put, we might destroy their reinforcements and supplies before headed to Orangorian main camp and put them out of commission which Orangorian troops in the main camp demoralized after their reinforcements and supplies was destroyed completely by Avalonian Bomber Fleet that was return from battle of 2nd city and Kaiser was sent bomber fleet with escorts to search and destroy Orangorian Army reinforcements.


@JoshNathaniel2 I think so but there's one thing if combine with Kaiser's army and Tetsuyuki along with bomber squadron with escorts if attacking the Orangorian Army reinforcements that headed to main camp to reinforce their allied force whom suffer great losses after their breakthrough Dreadhold Citadel 1st and 2nd attempt was failed miserably and put them no choice to call reinforcements again but little did they know Avalonian had idea to disrupt their reinforcements and supplies headed their main camp and Kaiser ordered his army to capture or kill Orangorian Army officers, captains or generals that still in main camp for information who sent their army to attack and recapture Dreadhold Citadel and its obvious it was Lord Peterson.


            Yes, but depending on the specific model and its payload, allowing it to reach various locations across the globe for military operations.... It’s was inspired to AC 130 GunShip, but ww2 version.


Josh, i think this wasn't over yet for Avalon to finish what Skylar and others were to started it, eliminate remnants of mutated werewolves in Silent Hill and meanwhile like i said in story earlier, Kaiser need Skylar's permission to engage remnants of Orangorian Army that got escaped before frontline camp got destroyed and Kaiser needs ordered his men to capture or kill any survivors of Orangorian Army that retreated to main camp for recover their losses after failed defense breakthrough attempt near Dreadhold Citadel or Dreadhold Fortress by Avalonian war veteran, officers and generals.


I remember Tetsuyuki i think that prototype aircraft may put good to use and combine with Kaiser's forces to eliminate Orangorian Army reinforcements before they reach the main camp not far from destroyed frontline camp and Dreadhold Citadel.


Josh, you still there? I kinda worried since you didn't reply at near the end of January ago.


@JoshNathaniel2 I see and i was check on ya since i got worried sick.


So yeah... I'm okay now hehehehebe


            Hey dude, calm down... I'm okay now... I'm just got busy to Week Even at my college 


Josh, are you finish yet Chapter 19 to 20 of Otherworldly Commander? Its kinda bit longer than expect would be.


@JoshNathaniel2 Im usually plays hunch when comes to this conversation.


@JoshNathaniel2 Im had feeling your fever isn't gonna or gonna heal sooner or later.


@JoshNathaniel2 I see..... my guess was correct though but your fever is kinda worse, better or in between?


Is that new story again, Josh?


@JoshNathaniel2 Josh, do you think this military tactic idea might work on Orangorians and Redderian in near future operation.


@JoshNathaniel2 That would made Lord Peterson had no choice if he and his army didn't make it, Lord Peterson to order his aide to mass evacuation from Alcorna Kingdom if it falls into "Grey Demon" and remnants of Alcorna Kingdom Army that still survived from early initial invasion and also tell their king about bad news of one of their occupied lands got captured by "Grey Demons" or Avalonian Armed forces alongside with navy and air forces and death of Lord Peterson alongside with his best army got decimated in frontline, which made Orangorian Kingdom got staggering setbacks for their losses.


@JoshNathaniel2 With the help of uprising from remnants of Alcorna Kingdom Army include its elite forces that still survived after early to mid initial of Orangorian Kingdom's invasion and slaves and rebels to kick out Orangorian Kingdom Army out from their beloved kingdom.


Josh, are you still writing new chapters after Lengkawi that you mentioned other day?


@JoshNathaniel2 Add my another idea to your list.


@JoshNathaniel2 That way, it would very increase flames of revolution against their oppressor and Orangorian stood no chance against it while they on weakened state after their loss of their army and great Lord Peterson during battle Dreadhold Citadel or Dreadhold Fortress by Avalonian veterans.


@JoshNathaniel2 Josh, do you remember before Avalonian engage Orangorian in frontline, they must sent a leaflets to Orangorian in frontline and one for rebels, slaves and remnants of Royal Army of Alcorna Kingdom via B-52 bombers.


Josh, do you recalled our conversation about capital city of Alcorna Kingdom, Mirnos that's on under Orangorian occupation? If there's large dock, there's very large fleet of steam warship was very prepared if just in case of Lord Peterson didn't make it out from battlefield and tell them to evacuate faster and tell the king about the news their loss of one of occupied nation, Alcorna Kingdom was fall to Grey Demons or Avalonian Armed Forces and death of Lord Peterson if had to.


@JoshNathaniel2 Josh, did you get my ideas on Orangorian mass evacuation and battle part based on reference i presented earlier?


@JoshNathaniel2 Do you think this kinda has reference to WW2 evacuation of Dunkirk?


@JoshNathaniel2 Unfortunately for Orangorian Steam Warship Main Fleet though, Avalonian 1st Fleet under Admiral Maria Svenson caught the wind of this information of mass evacuation of Orangorian Citizen and troops that stationed in capital city of Alcorna Kingdom, Mirnos and they only their main priority targeted the main fleet of steam warships belongs to Orangorian Kingdom rather than targeted civilian evacuation steam ships instead.