Josh Townley I need advice from you more than anything right now so could you please answer me back as soon as you can

@Bethanyyangera Ah, I see. Don't quote me on this because I'm not a copyright lawyer, but from my understanding, it depends on how you use it. If you're just mentioning or talking about a copyrighted character you should be fine. Authors will often make references to things from pop culture, like bands, movies, tv shows and characters. It's different if you're reproducing any copyrighted material directly, though, like song lyrics or quotes from movies/tv--that you need permission for, and will probably have to pay royalties for. (Having said that, it's probably fine if it's just on Wattpad since you're not making money from it.) The other thing to be cautious of is defamation. If you're saying something that could damage a brand or a person's reputation, then you could get in trouble, even if it is only on Wattpad. I did make a couple of changes to my book after researching this stuff. I had lyrics from Hotel California that would have cost me $420 to include, so I made up my own song instead. I also changed IGA (a real grocery store chain in Australia) to the fictional Foodmart, since the (fictional) manager is not shown in a very positive light. The Spongebob references were pretty innocuous, though, so I left them in. Hope that helps!

Well you’re book mentions SpongeBob a lot did you get permission to use his name or can you use it in book because my book mentions shows and books I was wondering if it was okay or you need permission or to pay a find!