@LittleBlackStar99 false. Being good enough is a mind set. The more you try to be good enough, the more you will believe yourself to be worthless because 'good enough' is an impossible standard that we construct with our minds. It happens when we start depending on other people's approval to be happy. The more you try to be happy, the less happy you will be. Because happiness is an illusion isn't? Can't everybody decide to be contempt? Yes. But society is saturated with false happiness that everyone carries around when, in fact, most of those people are hallow shells of confusion and 'sadness'. There is no sadness. There is only the belief that you are not 'happy' which makes sadness the opposite of the impossible standard that is 'happiness' which causes people to always be sad. It is much better to decide to be contempt and not give a rat's ass about what anybody thinks and just live. Because that is something you can control. Deciding to live, and decided to enjoy it for what it is. In the world of physical beings of things that actually exist, there is no happiness and there is no sadness. There just IS. You can only decide to gaze at everyone and everything that exists and all of its complexities and of the individual people experiencing different things at different times for different reasons in different places and stare back the at the void and say "I'm apart of this." That is all you can control. Who you are and what you do with the time given to you.
Have a nice day.