Really missing you and your writing. I hope all is well with you and the move from FF to ao3!!! Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I was thinking about you and sending you positive vibes!!!
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I hope everyone who celebrates Yule and Yalda today have a wonderful holiday filled with joy, peace and love. Happy Holidays to all
Really missing you and your writing. I hope all is well with you and the move from FF to ao3!!! Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I was thinking about you and sending you positive vibes!!!
I hope everyone who celebrates Yule and Yalda today have a wonderful holiday filled with joy, peace and love. Happy Holidays to all
Have posted new chapters at Archive of Our Own with all new material added to Awaken the Star Song. As my chapters are so long, this site really hates my uploads here. But, we have new reveals and in depth information going into the heavy revised Awaken Star Song all the same. Been doing a huge overhaul to that story. Recovering from a recent death in the Heart's Family also. So things have been a tad crazier than normal, but I will get back to uploading stuff in various sites as I can get my stuff unpacked as we also moved into a new place in March too. Things have been so hectic it is amazing I know my own name still. ROFL.
@Mizuha-chan Thanks. I hope you will get a chance to check out the all new revision at some point and let me know what you think of the adaptation. I may also replace the edition on here as I go if I am sure I won't be deleted and such for doing so at some point.
I've been revising and adding stuff to Awaken the Star Song as my NaNoWriMo project for November. Returning some more Adult themes I omitted from the FFnet draft due to the site's TOS rules. The revision is getting posted on Archive of Our Own (AO3) since they don't have the kicking a writer off their site rule because Mature tags are allowed there. Still kurahieiritrJIO of course, and I don't have many chapters up at the moment, but the revision and clean up are going well.
@Mizuha-chan I'm as well as can be expected for someone with a complicated medical history. :)
Have been pounding away at all three of my novels. Stand Your Ground, Taming Lightning and Awaken the Star Song have all been getting new updates. Even started posting the fan requested Star Singer Universe Compendium at Fanfiction net as of a few days ago, despite the real world insanity of being robbed and other things to distract me.
Close to 4 grand at the old prices and with the adjusted inflation, the equipment is now worth even more than that. Can't afford to lose that huge investment and it is my roommate's livelihood at stake. Got to do what we got to do unfortunately.
@Mizuha-chan It is. we have 3 long sheets of pages of the original receipts plus the cost of the replacement of each tool and still have to provide pictures whenever plausible as well. :( The Kinko's bill is killing our proverbial wallet before this is all done from all the copy machine use.
Went ahead and added a couple more chapters to Star Song on here. Although there is a lot more of it on fanfiction.net, under the fairy tail, Kurahieiritr JIO main page. think I'm stomping 60 chapters there.
True, I just added a new chapter today in fact. LOL. Prologue plus 62 chapters . Until I was adding the new chapter today so had to mark which one it was, I was not paying much attention to what number I was on. LOL. Hard to believe I've written 63 total chapters for this story alone with Scribe's help for roughly the second half of the tale. Got a fair number of chapters for Taming Lightning written also. It's at 25 chapters as of this week. Working on chapter 5 for Stand Your Ground this evening. LOL. Will have that chapter ready to go in a couple days it looks like, if I can keep this pace going without the real world infringing and forcing me away in my spare time.
Well, I have been a tad under the weather, but I also have had out of control, genuine rampaging Plot Bunnies driving me batty. I found myself writing an unexpected new story, which is why I say my plot bunnies are rampaging of late. Stand Your Ground is the name of the story that took over my skull a few weeks ago. Updated Awaken the Star Song on fanfiction.net also the other day. Book one Awaken Star Song is coming to a close soon. Then on to book number 2. The tentative name for book 2 of the Star Singer series will be Storm Among the Stars. As of yesterday I managed to get some mental room to get back to my long overdue Taming Lightning update chapter. No idea when I will finish Chapter 24 and get it shared, but I did start working on the raw 6 pages I had dropped For Stand Your Ground roughly a month ago.
All but one of the malware heavy mirrors that hijacked fanfiction.net have been taken down this week. Almost have the new chapters for Awaken the Star Song completed. Hoping to be posting some new goodies for my readers on ffnet by the end of the week. Feels good to be writing again, but I was so concerned about the possibility of people getting malware in their computers that I had to post a Hijack handling info alert for both Taming Lightning and Star Song this week. At least the Google team took action once we all began sending in spammer notices to get that 5 sites of awfulness removed fast. I also learned that wordpress based programs are mega vulnerable to exploitation because it accepts more than text only formats. Java can be twisted to make it easy for anyone to hack into and gain control over a wordpress foundation site. :( Means it will never end for FFnet getting hijacked on and off as someone will load a new chapter or story somewhere on that site, and gain control over the whole fanfiction net enterprise whenever they seek to steal banking info and credit card numbers from everyone who has ever ordered anything online.
I am going on temporary hiatus here and on fanfiction.net to clean up the mess my ex husband caused when he committed suicide. Our 23 year old son found his father's remains, and the police are involved with having an autopsy done to determine time of death and the like. It is a hard thing to have to clean up the mess left behind because you cannot afford a professional cleaning crew, but we are managing. The two bedroom rental has to be cleaned out and gotten ready for the rightful property owners so I am unable to do any revising or writing until I get the probate items like the Jeep handled. I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving this year.
Been a crazy ten days but I am finally back at home. I have been in a situation where I was able to do a ton of writing, so I did my level best to pump out a whole lot of stories in a short amount of time. Started a whole new story, on top of adding several chapters to Awaken the Stars Song at Fanfiction net. So i now have 40 chapters after the prologue up. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10918205/1/Awaken-the-Stars-Song I have gotten 6 chapters of this little story posted so far and I only thought it up and posted the first chapter on the 23rd of April. Already have 80+ follows on this one because I dared break out of the cliche mold. I also have 50 reviews on this evolving story. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11204628/1/Taming-Lightning
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