
Hey, everyone! You know how I'm making a new sieries? Well! If you want to have your own character in it then, you have to comment down below everything about them. (what they look like doesn't matter) 


I think I have you covered!
          	  Her name is Emerald Erin, she doesn't mind being called Emerald or Erin. She a 12 year old girl who comes from an alternate dimension in which she created. It's where all her fanfics take place. She helpful, kind, and curious. However, she's quite Stubborn and Competitive. Get on her bad side and your bound to be dead. She has amazing powers and wields powerful weapons. She's rather quick in a fight and good in problem solving. Her main two weapons is the Ulimate Sword and an Enchanted Diamond Sword with Sharpness 2 and Poison 1. Her home in her world is located in Sky Lands. Her temple trail is the one in the middle (lined with Emerald blocks) the other two lead to Melody (God of Music) and Unina (God of Mods). She's protective, especially to those she cares about. [You already know what she looks like]. 


Hey, everyone! You know how I'm making a new sieries? Well! If you want to have your own character in it then, you have to comment down below everything about them. (what they look like doesn't matter) 


I think I have you covered!
            Her name is Emerald Erin, she doesn't mind being called Emerald or Erin. She a 12 year old girl who comes from an alternate dimension in which she created. It's where all her fanfics take place. She helpful, kind, and curious. However, she's quite Stubborn and Competitive. Get on her bad side and your bound to be dead. She has amazing powers and wields powerful weapons. She's rather quick in a fight and good in problem solving. Her main two weapons is the Ulimate Sword and an Enchanted Diamond Sword with Sharpness 2 and Poison 1. Her home in her world is located in Sky Lands. Her temple trail is the one in the middle (lined with Emerald blocks) the other two lead to Melody (God of Music) and Unina (God of Mods). She's protective, especially to those she cares about. [You already know what she looks like]. 