
Should I write another... ?


yes, please support me!


@JossieLeia just saw this reply! Yess! I think you should. The little directioner in me would be happy! 


@JossieLeia Hi! Hope everything is well. I just recently reinstalled Wattpad and remembered how I enjoyed reading your stories back then, but then I realized most of your past works that I've enjoyed reading are now gone. Do you mind if I ask why did you put them off Wattpad? And are you planning to bring them back anytime soon? Thanks! 


Hi! This thought just slipped through my mind because I was notified that you re-uploaded your 1D book series. I just wanna know your thoughts on this. If I recall correctly, you didn't write a story about Liam and Louis because he was dating someone at that time—I'm not entirely sure if this was the real reason because it's been ages lol. But anyways, would you consider writing stories about them—Liam and Louis—in the future? I know it's not the right time to ask something as trivial as this. I'm a massive fan of 1D and your writings, and the topic about Liam is still quite sensitive given what has happened, but curiosity got the best of me. I know this sounds kind of insensitive, but the fan in me wants to read something about him where he gets his happy ending.  Thank you! 


@greatmindxo I just realized that you posted the story alreadyyy. I got excited and finished it today lol. Now I can't wait for the next chapter! Their date is finally happening omg! 


@greatmindxo please support me!


@greatmindxo thank you for reading my words :-) it's sad about Liam, hope he's off to a better place! I'm not sure if I'll be able to write something out, i lost my vibe these days.. let me see


Hi Jossie Leia, it's been a while since I went on Wattpad and the sad news from earlier this week about Liam Payne's passing brought me back. I remembered you had a whole series about them which I loved. Is there anyway you could share it again? They brought me joy the first couple of times I read them. Yes, I read them multiple times. If you don't feel comfortable I would completely understand, it's your purview but it would make this slightly older Directioner extremely happy. Think about it please :). With love, Lex.


Indeed, I think there was two about Jo and Zayn, two about Niall and the princess who's name I forgot and then I remember the title (Cheesecake and Curly Fries) for the one about Harry. Like I said, I really loved them :) Thank you for posting them again, I'm at Chapter 15 for the first one again


@Lec2012 Hi! Ya, it's sad to hear about him. I don't mind but I don't think there's one on Liam lol



Should I write another... ?


yes, please support me!


@JossieLeia just saw this reply! Yess! I think you should. The little directioner in me would be happy! 


@JossieLeia Hi! Hope everything is well. I just recently reinstalled Wattpad and remembered how I enjoyed reading your stories back then, but then I realized most of your past works that I've enjoyed reading are now gone. Do you mind if I ask why did you put them off Wattpad? And are you planning to bring them back anytime soon? Thanks! 


Hi! It's Francia92. I hope you are doing great. I just wanted to ask when will you start book 3 of the "Love In Seoul" series? I really miss it. It was amazing. I hope you will start writing it again. Until then author-nim, I'm gonna read your other books :)


I finally managed to finish a story! #Forever First Love - my fanfaction for my current fav Jap actor Satoh Takeru. Please take a look!


@hystericalkuin oh// i think i removed it lolxx


@JossieLeia Where can I read that story? I love takeru


Years back I've received requests to make a book 3 for Eirene, but I didn't. I stopped because I couldn't continue and it was my first fantasy book which I thought I didn't do well. Today, I got a request again and I'm motivated to finish the trilogy and write a finish to this beautiful story I've created (5 years back?) 
          But pls give me time as I juggle between my stories and my work. Pls be patient with me, and most importantly, pls don't give up on me!