
Seems like inactive accounts are being purged. Beware!


@JosslynWho Thanks for letting us know!


I'm so sad the books of the Mater collection are gone. I loved them so much, especially book two. Oliver and Quinn have my heart. I've read the story so many times.You're such a talented writer. ☀️


@Einhornkekss it available on Quotev if you ever want to check it out again ❤️ so it's not entirely gone (there's a link on my profile). I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!


Ughhh Asiah! You got me!  I just just finished the new book, I didn't know that you rewrote the whole thing and I haven't been able to put it down! ( I've been busy with schooling and work, so if you mentioned rewriting the whole thing I MISSED THE ANNOUNCEMENT ) IM in shock.
           And when I thought I was at the end of the book MORE WAS HAPPENING. I was like OMG please let me be happy gurl! And the "dad" thing will forever be funny. It had me in my feelings and I had to sit there like "oooo you been waiting for the moment you could slip that in there and break our hearts ASIAH!!" And it did. It was so sweet and it got me GOOD!  I remembered Dom saying to Hami, "and don't expect me to call you dad or anything" (something like that when Hamilton first started seeing Demi) this made it soooo much funnier when dom told Jer that!
          This rewrite was very well done, I LOVED IT. I definitely felt so deeply understanding of their love and constantly mesmerized about the way everyone spoke of eachother. As always the connection between demi and Jer is so saddening and heartfelt.  The rewrite definitely felt more developed and explored demi and Jer's relationship and feelings more.  I LOVED IT!


@CamreyVEX clocked my plan with Florin (not a story for him, just him in general) I post updates on my instagram sometimes, and I've made it known Florin will be in book 5, at least in a really small way since he's a background character, but we still get glimpses of him and who he's "paired" with. I use paired loosely, tho lol bc nothing is set in stone yet heehehehe


And about Florin: Yea!, that's what makes me so excited. He's so scared and in such a new and different place, having lost all that he cares about. IF you do decide to do it and you're motivated enough, then I'm excited just thinking about the possibilities to his story. I would love reading his thoughts and feelings on bethania being his stand-in-mother and being afraid of making connections because all the ones that he made are gone. Afraid of losing himself again and afraid to disappoint anyone too because he also had the fear that they would put him back in the crypt. This means that the development and sadness will be AWESOME in his story, and the love will be even better. I'm a sucker for a good, deep, and developed romance. UGHHH!! XD 
            ORRR just his development bc it's true that he's still in his 16 yr old body and mindset too so he has a lot of developing to do on his own especially mentally especially with all the trauma that he experienced. Oooo how exciting  lol!
            Or he could end up I'm Dominic's school if that's still in book 5 (i think) so that he can learn everything about what happened...BUT that would be gradual bc he's not yet comfortable around other ppl besides bethania right now ....IDK! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES  XD 
            ANNND THEN Eros too, now that i think about it...Eros having a "child" and a thing for dhampir children might play a role with him too.... oo brain is SPINNING!!!! Lol 


            Oh, definitely! You will be hearing from me after EACH book. I NEED someone to talk about this with!!!!  lol XD
             REGARDING EROS: Yeah, I read it! Loved it because I couldn't wait for his back story when I got the hint that there might be one, and when it came, I got through the whole book. i think . or i was caught up, at least. BUT,  i just can't remember all of it. lol ( i think he had a past lover...but i can't remember if he had a kid with them or anything.. darn it! Lol, I wish I could remember geez!!) Im reading a lot right now and really zeroing in on authors I love with best writing styles. You're definitely up there! I love reading and being able to see the care, time, and patience authors put into their books and their writing.(it's so obvious that they love what they do and their characters too!)
            and I love the sadness! I'm excited bc that just means more depth and love! You honestly had me shedding tears even though I knew Jer was going to be alright. THOUGH I HAVE TO ADMIT , I love that you decided to keep his two tones and just change his eye instead of him losing his "hamilton" side. I was so scared tho regarding him and Demi's mental connection bc I thought it was gone GONE 
            Back on track tho, YES I've read eros' story BUT my terrible memory only got me remembering a few things here and there but that only means that the experience of reading it again will be even better! <3


@JosslynWho help! I’m in pieces over what happened to Hamilton and his family. I desperately need to know if they find each other again… please… any hints will help. I don’t want to leave their story to start Dominik’s book and forget them. I just need to know they will be ok! Or will we see more of them in the later books? Please help  


Thank god 
            Ilysm ❤️


@TheFourthBoat Trust me, Hamilton and his fam will not be forgotten once your start Dominick's book. Everything connects! xx.


Seems like inactive accounts are being purged. Beware!


@JosslynWho Thanks for letting us know!


Hey Josslyn! Happy holidays! Was just re-reading the Lover for Pay one-shots; and had an idea for one. We see a lot of Marbell’s insecurity and jealousy, so I was thinking, why don’t we see some jealousy from London too So I’m picturing a scenario where London is doing a shoot for a brand and then the brand manager or whomever flirts with Marbell during the shoot, then London goes all possessive and takes Marbell into a dressing room to remind him whose he is


@JosslynWho Hahahaha Yay!! Thank youuuu. Well done with all you do!! You write so wonderfully xoxo


@pink555 I wish I could post emojis in this reply, it would be the sly smirk hehehe I will definitely keep this in mind xx.


FYI I had a grinning emoji at the end :D


Hey, again! I have another announcement regarding The Master Collection :)
          Given that I do not wish to make changes to my series, I have made an account over on Quotev and will be posting all of the Historical Fiction books over there. The ones I am able to leave up here are going to stay, but the main four books in the Master Collection will be posted over there alongside the rest. I've already posted books 1 and 2 and will be posting books 3 and 4 very soon.
          To those who like to reread or would like to know more about the Master Collection, I will provide the link below and in my bio :)
          I hope to see y'all over there! xx.


            I didn't know there was a "Happy Ending" version of Master, My Master. I read it straight through and loved  it until I read the last chapter before the Epilogue. 
            Obviously every story doesn't have a Happily Ever After but it stilled sucked to read that part! 
            I look forward to reading the alternate ending.
            Thank you for all your efforts to keep these stories available despite Wattpads unpredictable application of its policies and the need to republish them on Quotev.


Thank you, that's great! I'm going to check out Quotev!! I really love the master series and I’d hate to see any of it changed. Are you also going to be uploading the happy ending versions of books 1 and 3 on there? Happy Halloween btw!


It is a great idea!Thank you so much @JosslynWho <3


Hello!!! I have an announcement regarding my Historical Fictional series.
          I have been contacted due to policy matters and am required to make certain changes in the series to adhere to Wattpad's new sexual content policy. Given the time I will need to put into making these changes, I'll have to take down the series as of now and put it in my drafts.
          Please don't be upset with me or Wattpad. It's a matter I probably should've considered when I first wrote the series, but I was also young and didn't see the harm in it at the time. Due to the age of consent in the sexual content policy, I'll have to make some changes to the timeline of the story to age the characters up by 1 to 2 years, and while that doesn't sound hard, I have to go through each book to make sure the timeline adds up.
          I'll be leaving up The Beauty of Coincidence, Carnations in the Alley, and Lady Darcy and Her Juliette, but will be taking down the main series that consists of Master, my Master, Timeless Masters, Wondrous Master, and The Master Finale.
          Apologies that I have to do this to anyone in the midst of reading the series, but this is better than my entire account being banned! (╬≖_≖)
          I promise to reupload the series at a future date.
          Goodbye, for now.


            I had just gotten done with The Beaty of Coincidence and Carnations in the Alley yesterday when I saw that you had to take down the rest of the Masters books, at least temporarily.  After seeing your last post I've made an account on Quotev so I can continue the series once you're all set up there. I finished Twenty Over Thirty a few minutes ago and would like to say Thank You for your writings and I look forward to reading more of your works.


@springyuri I'm actually in the process of moving the series over to Quotev. It's a site a lot like Wattpad without all the nonsense. I'll post an update when everything is set!


@JosslynWho crazy timing, i read master, my master years ago and suddenly thought about it last night. i had long deleted my original wattpad account so i made this one this morning to search for it, only to discover (after much effort with my poor memory omg...) that i was a day late to it being taken down haha. i must have sensed a shift in the universe. i'm sorry to hear about the trouble but i look forward to being able to read it again soon!