Every song comes to an end that´s not reason not to enjoy the music..
-ONe tree hill Peyton-
“Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so why practice?”
― Kurt Cobain
You're only doing it doggy style couse it's easier to your lowerback
-ludacris to snoopdogg
“It all made perfect sense, and at the same time, nothing seemed to make sense at all.”
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember
Things i love:
My dog
Soccer (manchester United)
Football (New Orlean´s saints)
Ice cream
My Dog
My pucket list.
1. be in two places at once.
2. Go see Fifa wold cup.
3. Fall in love.
4. travel the world.
5. swin with the great white shark
6. Touch someone famous ( a soccer player)
7. Lick my own elbow.
8. never get married but get divorced at least once..
9. Save a life
10. Jump off a cliff without looking down
11. Do something great
12. Help one person per day
13. Stop being a bitch
14. Just kidding be a BIGGER bitch
-------This list is not done yet-
- Дата регистрацииJune 27, 2013
- facebook: Facebook профиль Jozzu88
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Why always a street fighter. Serious how many street fighters go to high school and ofcourse win every single match?Посмотреть все беседы
История от Jozzu88
- 1 Опубликованная история

Thousand years
Immortality, Sounds pretty good! Well to some people. They don't think about how you can keep yourself busy...