
So Iā€™ve come to a Conclusion.
          	I conclusion that, sadly, some of you may not like if you cared to see my book here because, well, I canā€™t write here.
          	Something is telling me to not post here.
          	Not that Wattpad is bad or anything but, I just have this feeling telling me to not do this.
          	If I ever get anywhere with my stories, Iā€™ll post an Update here about it.
          	For now Iā€™m gonna use Wattpad to write all my chapters for now.
          	Itā€™s not that I donā€™t wanna show anyone my stories.
          	I just get a feeling that this isnā€™t the place I should plant the seed.
          	I believe my story is a big bunch of seeds Iā€™ve gathered off of the trees of inspiration and wisdom.
          	And I wanna plant these Seeds in the right soil, at the right time.
          	I feel like maybe Iā€™d be trapped here if I tried to grow in this website.
          	And some people have really thrived here but I donā€™t think thatā€™s my future here.
          	So, Iā€™ll be packing my bags here.
          	Iā€™ll still update ā€œJust Me, My Mind, And My Heartā€ here and there, seeing as itā€™s my way of getting ideas out of my head.
          	Iā€™ll post updates here if anyone is interested in how my progress is going.
          	And if you wanna Contact me, you can find my Kik.
          	Itā€™s named OganicBeans.
          	So long everyone.
          	And thank you so much for the support.
          	It may not be much at all really.
          	But every person who has liked my book counts for me.
          	Thanks again.


So Iā€™ve come to a Conclusion.
          I conclusion that, sadly, some of you may not like if you cared to see my book here because, well, I canā€™t write here.
          Something is telling me to not post here.
          Not that Wattpad is bad or anything but, I just have this feeling telling me to not do this.
          If I ever get anywhere with my stories, Iā€™ll post an Update here about it.
          For now Iā€™m gonna use Wattpad to write all my chapters for now.
          Itā€™s not that I donā€™t wanna show anyone my stories.
          I just get a feeling that this isnā€™t the place I should plant the seed.
          I believe my story is a big bunch of seeds Iā€™ve gathered off of the trees of inspiration and wisdom.
          And I wanna plant these Seeds in the right soil, at the right time.
          I feel like maybe Iā€™d be trapped here if I tried to grow in this website.
          And some people have really thrived here but I donā€™t think thatā€™s my future here.
          So, Iā€™ll be packing my bags here.
          Iā€™ll still update ā€œJust Me, My Mind, And My Heartā€ here and there, seeing as itā€™s my way of getting ideas out of my head.
          Iā€™ll post updates here if anyone is interested in how my progress is going.
          And if you wanna Contact me, you can find my Kik.
          Itā€™s named OganicBeans.
          So long everyone.
          And thank you so much for the support.
          It may not be much at all really.
          But every person who has liked my book counts for me.
          Thanks again.


So Iā€™m working on the rework of Valor which will be renamed to ā€œVALOR: Spire of Beginningsā€ and this time Iā€™m just gonna write all the chapters before I post them because part of my issue for a while was whenever I posted the chapters, I felt like I was satisfied.
          And because of that satisfaction, I felt I did a job well done and even if I did I eventually was satisfied enough but I need to really want this if I wanna finish it. 
          So, that being said, I figured if I take my time AND not post anything until itā€™s fully finished, Iā€™ll feel compelled a little more to write cause Iā€™ll want all of you to see it. 
          So itā€™ll be a long while before you see anything from me again this year.
          But I am working. 
          Anyway thanks everyone.


Hey guys, sorry for the long way away, just had some things hit and felt depleted of creativity, but Iā€™ve been making some major improvements to how Iā€™m writing the story, and I may even be able to include artwork in the chapters once Iā€™m ready again.
           but anyway just wanted to update everyone, Iā€™ll be back here soon.


Hey guys. I just wanted to apologize for the inactivity. 
          I should be more dedicated, but Iā€™ve also been doing a Rework of  Valor.
          Iā€™ll post it up once I have as much chapters in it as the recent book.
          And I hope I can get it up by the end of the year at latest but I donā€™t know. 
          Again sorry for the inactivity, I just have downtimeā€™s for creativity, but with every down time for me comes a great deal of new ideas and with each idea, Iā€™m able to see the story clearer. Anyway thanks for barring with me everyone.


Sorry for the inactivity everyone. Iā€™ve been making minor changes to the story, rereading through the previous chapters, and gonna touch up those chapters. But once I will try my best to make that more of an effort soon. Thanks.


Hey everyone. Sorry I havenā€™t posted the next character yet.
          I have over 700 words in the next one so itā€™s halfway there. Iā€™m just feeling drained so itā€™s been hard to get to it but Iā€™ll try my best to get it done.