
Hi everyone! I've created a new little story "The Wanderer", where I share some profound thoughts, travel stories, and motivational words to help get us through another year and become one step closer to the people we want to be. It's designed to have short chapters that help provoke thoughts and conversation to anyone who reads. Take a look and let me know what you think! All my loving <3


Hi everyone! I've created a new little story "The Wanderer", where I share some profound thoughts, travel stories, and motivational words to help get us through another year and become one step closer to the people we want to be. It's designed to have short chapters that help provoke thoughts and conversation to anyone who reads. Take a look and let me know what you think! All my loving <3


Read it all! If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral. I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Once you read this message send this to fifteen people, including me, if you get three back you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight at 12:00 am the you love will realize they love you then at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM get ready for the shock of you life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love send this to the 15, if you don't you will turn ugly, 1 year. A friend told me to do this, so pass it on. Tomorrow 2 boys/girls will ask for your phone number. Send this message to 15 people or bad luck for a whole year. This is not fake! Apparently if you copy and paste this you will have the best day of your life tomorrow! Good luck!
          Not written by me, written by someone else


Yugioh friends, Specifically GX,
          I'm publishing a short fic I wrote about Judai. It's already completed, so It should be fully uploaded within the next day or so (I just need to edit one more time). I wrote it to sort of help me come to terms with coming home from studying abroad to an empty house. So, in some part, I'm expressing my own feelings, but in other ways, I'm also just elaborating Judai as a character. I hope you like it.
          ~Jude Starkey McCartney


I read Boulevard of Broken Dreams a couple of months ago, and I've read so many books on here, but none of them beat yours! I was always on edge and I ended up reading it in one day! Truly so amazing xx 


That's all good! You're such a great writer! My bar was set so high when I finished it. I hope you continue writing <3


@rageandnovocaine awww omg thank you so much for your amazingly kind words! im so glad you find it special and that you took the time to read it and tell me this! thank you!!! all my loving <3


Can you please write another Green Day fanfic? I'm re-reading Boulevard of Broken Dreams because it's so perfect!


@IdiotofBrokenDreams You're welcome and thank you!!!:) i will most definitely keep that in mind!!!


Aw! Thank you so much for saying that! Hope you get a new idea soon! If you need any help I'm always here! :)


EEEEPPP just finished the last chapter of Hidden Prophecy, just need to edit it the next time I get the chance and then I'll post it. May or may not do a epilogue if people are up for it. then it's time for my next story which is gunna be an original im too pumped!


I'm really excited, I have this new plot for a story that sort of worked its way into my mind, and I'm going to try and make it an original. It's gunna be cool though because its gunna involve  a lot of punk rock and angst for my fellow green day lovers, and its also going to have characterization very similar to the main Yugioh characters without actually taking their exact personalities/names. I'm taking a script writing class next semester, so its mostly for that, but I'm going to create it soon in the form of a novel. I'M PUMPED TBH