
Thanks for the 10K reads on my Touken story   :3


Just a little message for anybody curious about whether i'm going to write anything else. The Touken book was something of an experiment for myself to see if i could write a short book just for fun and the topic felt right as Touken was a big ship and their lack of relationship at the time put a little hole in my heart so i wanted to see how a fanfic would turn out. Most comments i got were positive which was great. 
          As to whether or not i'll write something else? Possibly? But don't expect it. I don't know what the topic or genre would even be haha.  Maybe someday i'll write another story. Could be something original or another fanfic but I would have to be super inspired as "I Won't Leave Again" took a lot of effort. 
          As for Touken, since they're official and even married now, the holes been filled for myself and i'm sure many others. I'm not that big of a romantic softie but their relationship was so well written in TG that i couldn't help but want to write something as we all wanted Touken but had to wait for so long for the payoff it killed us :3
          Anyway, just a thought i'd put this message out there. 
          Anybody who reads this have a great summer :)