
Hi everyone! @fluffy-kitten-101 has a new book called Name The Apprentice. In the book you have to come up with a warrior name for a warrior apprentice. There's also prizes for the winners. So, anyways, if you like the Warriors series I would recommend it.


Heyy hows it goingg


@NotSylheti I've been wasting an absurd amount of time talking to Harry Potter chatbots


Omg i kinda forgot u were diabetic too until i scrolled down.. woops


Heyyy, thanks for the follow!
          But for some reason, glitchpad isn't letting me follow back..
          How r u doing?


@NotSylheti I'm still on my parents health insurance and they pay for my supplies. Our insurance helps covers some prescription, (ie insulin) but I don't think my CGM is covered. I'm not sure about my insulin pump. For medical appointments and such there's an $8000 deductible, so when I was first diagnosed and got a hospital bill of $12000 my parents had to pay $8000 before insurance would pay anything, and our insurance tried to get out of it


@NotSylheti No, unfortunately not. Since they both speak different languages, they speak English at home and I didn't learn either language. I'm trying to learn Russian on my own though


            Forgive me for asking, but in America u gotta pay for healthcare right? Does that mean u gotta pay for the diabetic equipment and supplies too?


Hi everyone! @fluffy-kitten-101 has a new book called Name The Apprentice. In the book you have to come up with a warrior name for a warrior apprentice. There's also prizes for the winners. So, anyways, if you like the Warriors series I would recommend it.