
Do you also hate it when you are out of your writers block and then exams pop up? Yeah….. my life rn


Hellooooooo my lovelies. I know I haven’t posted in like AGES! I was demotivated and didn’t really have a plan. Ik skl started and so on. But that won’t stop me from updating. Give me a week to organize my time and schedule and I’ll be back. BYE AND I MISS YALL


Hey so I was wondering if you are interested once you are done with your Leo Valdez X reader if you could write a story similar to that but make it Remus Lupin X reader. If you are not interested in doing so that is perfectly ok


Ok thank you so much


Hello, I will consider it. I might not write it soon, but when I do, I will be sure to let you know. 