hi jujubaba7! I really like your works! I'm also writing a naruto fanfic and you woulld do me a huge favor if you could follow and maybe check my story out! thanks!
Reading Lists
Dad - *doesn't wants to get murdered* Family - *gets murdered anyway* Dad and the murderer- https://www.google.com/search?q=sasuke+and+naruto+fight+gif&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev2&prmd=ivsxn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXu4S67-XyAhUuILcAHeqnBaEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=640&bih=280&dpr=3#imgrc=Ozx-IV4pWo5AuM&imgdii=M6N1rEWHro-sBM This was on my mind for a few days ..... Gonna meme it soon
hi jujubaba7! I really like your works! I'm also writing a naruto fanfic and you woulld do me a huge favor if you could follow and maybe check my story out! thanks!
Dad - *doesn't wants to get murdered* Family - *gets murdered anyway* Dad and the murderer- https://www.google.com/search?q=sasuke+and+naruto+fight+gif&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev2&prmd=ivsxn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXu4S67-XyAhUuILcAHeqnBaEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=640&bih=280&dpr=3#imgrc=Ozx-IV4pWo5AuM&imgdii=M6N1rEWHro-sBM This was on my mind for a few days ..... Gonna meme it soon
If you want to insult anyone, but don't want to use abusive words, just replace those words with nice, your frustation will cool off and you will insult the guy too, LIFE HACK FRANDS
Storytime bois.... So when I was in 6th grade someone had a drawing channel, and the only student with some brains were only me, a girl, and 2 boys. They called us the 'Shamans' idk what that meant but they did. So one of the shamans had a channel, as wrote above. He sent the link on the whatsapp group, one student tagged it and wrote too good, everyone then started spamming it, seeing the message that student sent, I was like, https://www.google.com/search?q=mikasa+meme&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo2&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0u7q1xbDyAhVYIbcAHe_GAFkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=H10ZV8_HB83PAM We shamans then roasted the shit out out of them in our personal group Note: If you are saying that we shouldn't make fun of them, listen, we tried to explain them that its very good, too good is not what you write in this situation. They told us ''No, we know, its too good, don't teach us, you are not our teacher'' They are idiots and I know that
Fun fact: BC means sisterfu**er in ny language Goodluck using it again
bruh new chap
So my sister has weekly tests on Sunday, which add up to the final scores of the year, since she doesnt study, she teamed up with the other students who dont study, she searches the answer on net, answers whichever are shown, and skips which doesnt, when she submits it, it shows all the answer and she shares it with other members of the groups, basically, she is a Guinea pig who saves other students life, RESPECT 100
@6th_cloverleaf She is too lazy to sit up, go down the bed, travel two steps, pick up 1.6 kg heavy bag, open the zip, take out the book, close the zip, put the bag down, *tineskip to sitting on bed again*(I am too lazy) abd search all that, She searches the half question and I do the half on the net
What would you do If you were forced to watch the deaths of many anime characters while sad songs playing in the background? Yup, something similarly happened to me last night, I was watching ep 12 of Parasyte: The maxim and you know what, I saw the blade going her through chest and my sister said to sleep. The scene was playing my head in a loop. What I didn't know was that my sis was going to listen sad songs, listening, I became more sad. Between the songs came Sadness and sorrow, So I remembered Naruto, Naruto to Jirayia became more sad, Jirayia to Itachi, became even more sadder, Itachi to Neji, right on the verge of crying. I didn't wanted to cry so I straight up said, "Fuck this shit I am out'' and went to sleep. Bruh that was hell for me. What would you do if you were in my place?
Yeah you are right we Indians 'ARE' stupid and that makes us different from people like you got it and if you don't like whatever I'm writing then don't read it and just ignore it
And the winner of the clash between @UrXpeace and @Xgaarasimp is @UrXpeace
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