So a long time ago I was nominated by Alexia to do the 13 tags nomination, but I just sorta forgot ;) Anyway big shoutout to Alexia, and here I go...
1. Do I like someone?
As a matter of fact, I do.
2. Do I think they like me?
Probably not...
3. Middle name?
4. Single or taken?
5. Last person I texted?
Mon amie Richard (je parle français).
6. Last song I've listened to?
Don't believe me just watch by Bruno Mars ;D
7. Battery percentage?
94%... It's been charging all night :D
8. Closest female friend?
WriterElri...she's awesome!
9. Closet male friend?
My friend Richard...he's awesome!
10. OTP
I'm a member of the Sherlock fandom so Sherlock and Watson! Seriously this one's to die for.
11. Why did I create this account?
The share my stories and read amazing stories others have written!
12. Current lock screen?
A pic of a cruise I went on in a last desperate attempt to remember what the sun feels like.
13. Birthday?
July 28, 2002
Again huge thanks to Alexis and I would like to tag @FlyingPancake8D @writerelri @audimka U guys will be gr8!