Thaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooouuuuuuuu fooooooorrrrrrrrr voting my AnY fanfic!!!!!!!!!! *Throws hands in the air* I'm glad you found it worth reading and your comments made my day! Now, I can do my critical review on research with less difficulty than before. Then again, I was never enthusiastic about research. I, once again, thank you with all my heart!
@Julesmarie14 Awww~ thank you! I'm glad that my fanfic was able to make you happy (which is something I am aiming for when I make my stories). And I so appreciate your compliment! I dun really know how to deal with them but thank you!
@Sweet_Yume Any time your book made my day and I'm so glad I found it. You are such a talented writer and I am so happy that I get to read your book!!!