
The Bet: A Story Retold is up now! 
          	If you enjoyed the original story of The Bet, here is a retelling of it. New and improved and I hope you enjoy.
          	- J.J.


Hey, loved your story 
          Is there going to be a story about Hayden and reigen( sorry if I misspelle)
          I feel like they go well, she’s this girl that wants everything perfect, and he’s messy, opposites attract right 


Hey, thanks so much for reading! The dynamic between Hayden and Reagan (I changed her name like three times in the book) is for sure an interesting one. I am rewriting The Bet and couple of the chapters are actually up now. And in this version there’s exploring with each character, so Hayden and Reagan ship is definitely not off the table.
            I may or may not do novellas centering around the characters later though ;)


Soo..The Bet got 50k?? I didn't think we would get to this point. But here we are. I would like to thank 50,000 people and 100,000 eyeballs for taking a chance in my work. I wrote this book so young. It is sloppy, unorganized, and so undeveloped. But you took the chance in my writing anyway. 
          LET'S GO 100K.