Hey guys. Ummm... you may notice a few things that are different on my profile. First of all, my general page is a little different. I have a new profile pic and a couple other little things are different. Second of all, I took down my stories. They weren't getting all that many views so I decided it was time for a fresh start. I do, however, have a new story that I am working on, which I am really excited to share with you. I have discovered with my past stories that its really difficult to keep up with updating a story on a certain schedule, so I will only be releasing this story when it's completely finished. I can't wait to show you guys. I can't spoil much, but... uh... let's just say I'm within the LAW when I tell you this story is gonna ROCK... *cricket noises*... You'll get it when the story comes out.
PS. If you have any questions at all, feel free to send me a message. I'll respond as best I can.