
Hey Juliana! How does a dystopia where giving birth is outlawed sound to you? If it interests you, I'd like to introduce you to the novel I'm writing (34 chapters so far). It has everything- romance, action, futurism, broken characters, badass women, conflict- to make it an interesting read. 
          It's called The Choice She Made and I'd really appreciate you giving it a read or two! Thank you in advance!


If you like College, New Adult Romance, please check out my book Given Time.
          Leah and Tanner have hated each other with a passion ever since they were kids, but when they decide to call a truce in college, Leah can't help but strangely crave her frenemy's company.
          After discovering that her new college also contains the bad boy she's always hated. She does what anyone would do and agrees to try and work things out with him for an easier ride. But soon enough, she catches herself kissing Tanner even when she knows she shouldn't. What she doesn't know, however is falling in love with Tanner Cole comes with more drama than she realizes.




Yea thats true and thx for understanding goodnight :)


@BitchDevilHere lol its fine we both  have different times good night talk to u tomorrow:)


The moon as well and im sorry again but I need to go to sleep im sorry that we didn't talk this much today lol I feel like im the one out of the two of us that always goes which is probably true again im sorry but im sure I have time to talk to u tomorrow :)