
this message may be offensive
Kinda terminating this profile. Giving all the books to a buddy named @FellKnight. Shit's gettin messy. For those who do not know this profile is actually four separate people collabing and with how stuffs going down in our lives and cuz one of us is in Africa no updates, but One of our good friends will be taking all of our books. He's the cousin of the one who mainly ran this profile. We intended to do this for like 4 years but with how personal life shit's going down we can't. So to recap, this profile not going to get updated for god knowes how long, expect a fallow from FellKnight and he's going to be taking the books. Shit's been lit an thanks for the fallows n stuff.


@Julianose thx for the good times buddy


this message may be offensive
Kinda terminating this profile. Giving all the books to a buddy named @FellKnight. Shit's gettin messy. For those who do not know this profile is actually four separate people collabing and with how stuffs going down in our lives and cuz one of us is in Africa no updates, but One of our good friends will be taking all of our books. He's the cousin of the one who mainly ran this profile. We intended to do this for like 4 years but with how personal life shit's going down we can't. So to recap, this profile not going to get updated for god knowes how long, expect a fallow from FellKnight and he's going to be taking the books. Shit's been lit an thanks for the fallows n stuff.


@Julianose thx for the good times buddy


So I need your opinions (to those who care). I want to write a Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3 book. Overlord crossover is what i'm planning I just can't decide between the two. Opinions? I can try to make one for both but if I do I will have to give up on Subnautica. Also giving up on Artorias of Grimgar (for now) sense I have hit a writers block with it.


Plz teach me your ways of how you get your ideas


@rubysmasher Step 1: Depression passed down from my mother, who got it from her father and so on (i'm a boy)
                                             Step 2: Insomnia, 3-4 hours of sleep for for 5 out of the 7 day's for 4 years
                                             Step 4: Bullying for trying to be yourself
                                             Step 5: An (not perverted) extreme interest of the human male and female body and psyche and how it works post trauma
                                             Step 6: the ability take how a character would think, break it down, and use how it thinks to make them react a certain way.


And by that I mean your creppypasta turn on ideas.