
Hi ♡ I'm alive lol. Took a break from writing to focus on my art. You can check out my art insta (@juliapplefreak) to see what I drew for Inktober (MHA themed).
          	New POV posted tonight :) Also, there'll be 1-2 more chapters for "Bet on You" that I will bring myself to write eventually... And "Falling for a Flower" has not been forgotten :( I think about that story a lot and I'm waiting for a good opportunity to finish it <3
          	That's all for now ♡ Thanks for sticking around :)


Love you girl!! Take your time and don’t forget to take care of yourself!!<3


Juliapple is literally like a modern day shakesphere her bet on you was the first book that ever made me cry I can’t wait to read the rest she’s made please drop a book girl homer got nothing on you


Crying and weeping rn you are too kind !! <3 I’m so glad you enjoyed my story, and I hope you find interest in my other works (although one of them is quite old and the other isn’t finished ahhh….) Thank you again for your kind message, it made my day <3 


Hi ♡ I'm alive lol. Took a break from writing to focus on my art. You can check out my art insta (@juliapplefreak) to see what I drew for Inktober (MHA themed).
          New POV posted tonight :) Also, there'll be 1-2 more chapters for "Bet on You" that I will bring myself to write eventually... And "Falling for a Flower" has not been forgotten :( I think about that story a lot and I'm waiting for a good opportunity to finish it <3
          That's all for now ♡ Thanks for sticking around :)


Love you girl!! Take your time and don’t forget to take care of yourself!!<3


Hi all ♡  Thank you for your support on the new fic :) I've been struggling a bit with writing the later chapters in terms of pacing so I'm not sure how long the semi-daily uploads will continue but I'll try my best ♡
          It's both a blessing and a curse because as much as I love writing the new fic, technically 'Bet on You' is a side project that got out of hand and another reason to procrastinate 'Falling for a Flower'... I swear I'll finish it. Can't live with myself rn ahhhh.


New story coming out this week!!! It's a Bakugo X Reader college AU ♡ Stay tuned :)


@ Juliapple  Yess!! 


Hi all! I'm still alive haha... I've just been taking a break from regular posting to work on my writing and some personal projects. Also taking time to attend to my own health and relationships, y'know, just regular human things <3
          I still check wattpad daily if you ever have a question or would simply like to chat :) I'm hoping to start regularly posting "Falling for a Flower" by the fall season but I need some time to get back into the project again. It can be daunting, especially with the added effort of a soundtrack, but I promise to give the story a good ending <3
          As always, thank you for reading and sticking around! Take care <3


Take your time  focus on you first we will understand 


Happy birthday Julianna!!!! I remember from last year and I think it was today :)
          I hope you have an excellent and happy day <33


OH MY GOSH you’re so thoughtful <3 thank you so much, truly. Had an amazing birthday <3 thank you for sticking around and for being so supportive of my work. You’re the best :) made my day


Popping in to say thank you for 5K reads on "Falling for a Flower" <3 
          It's been nearly a year since I started personally writing the project, and it's quite special to me. When I'm having a bad day, I spend time in that little ballet world I've created and daydream what trouble our explosive menace will get up to next haha :)
          Can't wait to get back into writing the rest of the story and illustrating some more <3 Thank you for sticking around


Hi all <3 quick update! 
          1. THANK YOU FOR 400 followers !! <3 whether it's through wattpad, or Ao3, or YouTube, I appreciate every single reader :) thank you for being here  
          2. Another new entry in my POVs & Drabbles! Sorry if my writing there is a little uninspired and unoriginal... I have a habit of writing similar confessions and relationship dynamics, but when the time is right, I have new ideas I want to try :) so stay tuned <3
          3. ...Uh... Not me procrastinating my two unfinished projects... I have in-progress chapters for both "A Ripple in Time" and "Falling for a Flower" and I keep working on them both at the same time and NEVER FINISHING THEM AHHH
          ...In, conclusion, I will update one of them soon. Thank you for your patience <3
          Take care everyone <3