
thanks for all the voting on my book and plus the comments it means a lot and I love you for liking my book Lol 


@TaylorWood_mythical lol your not that old age is just a number and thanks for reading my book I hope It'll be published one day and I'll become an author Lmao if you do help me and if someone tries to steal my story you can be my witness that I am the official writing lol 


@TaylorWood_mythical yep I am 2 days older than dirt according to my daughter who is 23. lol


@TaylorWood_mythical I'm glad that you enjoy my story so much and thanks for offering the help if I ever need it I'll be sure to ask you lol your kinda older and maybe have more experience in writing than me I'm happy that my book appeals to not also the teens but to the adults as well omg lol 