Hi loves,
Chapter 36 is out and I hope you’re all ready for date night with the Burke’s! Thank you all for your patience and support!
Don’t hesitate to let your thoughts know in the comments and thanks for voting ⭐️.
Much love,
Julie Gray ♥️
@ErisEvelinGonzalez Thank you SO much for being an OG follower! I love it when people have followed me from the beginning and made the jump together with me. Glad you’re still sticking around to catch up with the antics of the Burke’s ☺️. Thanks for reading and for the support! Lots of love ♥️
I remember ur stories being on the app chapter and I’ve been spending ages trying to find them I didn’t read ur profile so I didn’t know it was on here but I’m so glad I did love ur stories.
Hi how r u i have not seen u post a new chapter since a long time ago ..Well i just wanted to send my love and support and if time and inspiration is what u need take ur time... I hope we see u soon ... XOXOXO