
unpublished and rewriting my stories! looking back at whatever nightmare i created is just horrible!  definitely will improve the story and finish writing it before i publish it on a set schedule once again. i have been wanting to do this since like christmas to be honest. i tried to continue it but it had such a bad storyline it was hard to continue.


unpublished and rewriting my stories! looking back at whatever nightmare i created is just horrible!  definitely will improve the story and finish writing it before i publish it on a set schedule once again. i have been wanting to do this since like christmas to be honest. i tried to continue it but it had such a bad storyline it was hard to continue.


I feel relatively special! The Flame Of The Stars is #943 in general fiction & The Curse of the red yo-yo is #723 in horror! TFOTS also has over two hundred reads & TCOTRY has over 100 reads! It's all thanks to my readers! Thank you all for taking time to read my stories, it means a lot to me. Just knowing that at least one person cares about what I write means the world to me. Thank you everyone!! <3


Congrats Jae!!!! Exciting!!!


Hey JulieIsAKitten, me and Elaina agree that you should totally ship Destiny and Charlotte in The Flame of the Stars! Could you please? That would be so cool!! <3


That would be amazing! I understand if you can't find the time to update soon but either way I will be excited for when it comes! :)


@LivieWisowski I'm glad :) I've been busy recently but I will definately try my best to upload it tonight! 


Awesome! Thanks! I'm so excited to read it


We never really talked about having you be a character in my story, but I am a character in yours, so if you want to be one in mine that would be interesting for the next chapter. So if you want me to add you as a character, then let me know some things about how you want to be represented and stuff like that. If not, that is fine too and I understand. So let me know! Thanks!


Please check out my novel please vote comment and share and if you want me too I will do the same


Thank you and I will 


@StilettoGodmother01 sure! I'd love to. If you could that would be super nice of you! :) xxJ