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Wow, haven't posted shiz in a while. Time to be my whacky-ass self. Wassup zombie? Don't you think seeing your face every day in our study sessions is a little too much? Also, ugh, open your Wattpad once in a while wth are you doing studying so much. I will rant about my failed attempts to you in the morning. Ahh, we virtual hang out too much, I don't even have enough bs to write on your board now. Give me some inspiration to finish that dumbass presentation. CAN YOU BELIEVE? I have to compile my long-ass thousand-word speech notes and then create a ppt..and FOR WHAT? Duckin five marks. And THEN I will study five months worth of syllabus for ANOTHER viva. Here you thought the medico life was stressful. Dumbass sleeping on her bed while I have to study. Now that I have wasted five more minutes of my life doing bs. I will go somewhere else to fuck around a little more. OKay bye. Someone plis apparate me to Pune (where all the red-pasta and hot dtf emotionless boys are).