REPOSTED! PLEASE READ AND SPREAD!! Original: https://www.quotev.com/zeroes/journal/7777132/IMPORTANT-PLEASE-READ-SPREAD TW: this journal contains mentions of ab.se, and plans to commit yeet + other triggering topics. gofundme : here do not spread to : facebook and instagram*** are platforms you cannot spread this on. as my entire family has facebook accts and my parents have instagram accts. Situation: On or near May 27th, 2021, I will be kicked or be walking out of my current place of living. The main reasons for this are, 1. my parents are abusive. they will beat you, manipulate you, and pin everything they've done wrong on you. I'm the youngest sibling, having turned 18 on November 15th, 2020. 2. They have increasingly violent towards me and have gone as far as saying they will 'hunt down' and 'ruin' or 'call favors from old pals' that do not so nice things if i tried to reach out to people for help. They've done all they can to isolate me from people, calling my friends and threatening their lives, threatening to go to their homes and harm them, to go to their jobs and families and 'ruining' them. etc. All the while lying to the police and school saying that it's the schooling causing me to go 'crazy' and turning around to mock me for trying to get help from people who are supposed too help you. One of the top things that has been one of the things used against me, is being kicked out. Basically I broke under the pressure, i thought i could handle them, but being shut down by those who are supposed to investigate and help you, because i'm too 'calm' and open about it, made them believe the borderline violent people who were literally whispering threats to me in the meeting. This caused my grades to go yeet, my depression and anxiety to say hola amigo, and my will to live say, 'sorry man'. Now I'm not gonna graduate highschool in 2021 and need to find a place to live away from them.

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why a flip phone: easy to use, easy to store, less likely to be stolen or seen as valuable. how much money would you need?: flip phones cost from 30-70 dollars. all my money has been confiscated or used for health items i really needed {vitamins, water, etc) as thanks to my dropping mental health, my physical health kind of needed a serious fix up. as my parents refused to give me my doctors information. why ask quotev.com? why not ask for more real help: literally ive been cuffed, mentally evaluated and sent back to live with my parents, my abusers, who caused me to have a mental break because they grabbed by my hair, smacked me around and thrown me against a wall by my hair. the police, the people who evaluated me when i was a fucking minor, called me a liar and said they didn't want to deal with 'someone like' me. No investigations, no questions, just 'omg mustve tripped and fell down the stairs the house doesn't even have huh'. I got my hair cut and received more threats of violence and abuse, yes, i got it cut when i turned 18 and was still threatened. and still had to watch and listen as they threatened to harm my friends and those im close too. so if you couldn't tell im desperate i need help, i need someone to lend a hand before i jump off a fucking bridge. i want to live, i want to go out there and start a life, but at this point i just, need to get away from whats making everything worse. yes ik, "go into a mental hospital, get mental help, talk too someone". mental hospital will come when my ass is settled enough to feel safe around those i tried to get help from, but was denied. i can't trust them anymore and am trying to get to a point where i can.

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Yes there's an option of homeless shelters here, however I live in an area where crime rates for murder and shootings are high, and sexual trafficking is the neighboring cities, best fucking friend. Now here's what I fucking hate except it's true. My birth sex is female, and despite gaining weight I am still very much feminine and hold that weird cute kid charm, even though I'm 18. This has attracted disgusting pricks before, and definitely will again. Including the fact that I'm a light skinned hispanic, and lighskinned here will either get shot if they're in the wrong area, or if they look female in general, will get picked up by that weird white van club and never seen again. In short, I'm very much fucked. the point: So ! need help. I need information about areas in california located close too lodi, modesto, or sacramento. As I'm being constantly watched so I can't do much research. Not research that'll tip off my parents. And I need money, a flip phone and help finding jobs in areas ill be near. I need suggestions as of what to do if i can't get a place to live, and what to do about the fact that I'm a closeted trans man that looks like a chubby 15 year old girl. I need resources, i need advice, i need help.