Hi everyone! I realize I'm late with this, but I wanted to post it anyway...
Silly rabbit, Easter is for JESUS! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday on Sunday!
Remember, Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He didn't do it because we deserved it, but because He wanted us to be saved through Him and have eternal life. Without Him, we wouldn't even be here. The blood of Jesus Christ is our victory over any sin! He was resurrected on the third day, and is forever more alive and loves you more than you could ever imagine! You cannot earn your way into heaven by money, good deeds or anything like that. He is the way, the truth and the light (always has been, always will be). God bless each and every one of you! God is with you always. If you would like to be saved and find out what it's like to truly experience God's unending love, all you have to do is pray and ask Jesus into your heart. You will never regret it, that I promise you!
This holiday is about far more important things than a bunny delivering eggs and candy. Love you guys and happy Easter!