(I'm sending this on from someone else because I thought it was really important. God bless you guys and thank you for praying!)PRAYER ALERT. Guys, as you may or may not know, this week is SUICIDE PREVENTION WEEK. I think it is especially important that we pray for people dealing with suicidal thoughts, tendencies, & self-harming thoughts. They need our support, the love of Jesus, & hope. It is up to you to share these things with them. Even smiling at someone while passing by or talking to them could save a life. You never know who's life you could alter by simply doing these things. Prayer is much needed for these people as well. Another idea is to pray for suicide hotspots such as the Golden Gate Bridge & pray the blood of Jesus over them. One man who jumped from the bridge survived & he stood on the railing for quite some time but no one asked him what was wrong. A woman finally spoke to him... to ask him to take a picture of her. And so he jumped. He thought nobody cared & that is a lie. He said if just one person would've asked him what was wrong, he wouldn't have jumped. But, hey, a guy crying on a bridge rail is perfectly alright, right? No. God sees everything you do & he cares about every person ever borne into earth. So show the world that. Have faith as small as a mustard seed & you will see mountains moved.