
I've got a ham sandwich, a banana, mini muffins, a granola bar, some chips, and a zebra cake. Also some water and a diet pepsi. Set to go into the solitude that is writing :D You'll have some new chapters soon!


I just posted a comment telling you to update diary of Jane like literally a minute ago but as I'm reading through these other comments about asking you to update I noticed that you said something about your life being hectic and all. So well, I completely understand. It's hard to want to sit down and write a high quality chapter when you're just not feeling it.  I don't know what's going on with your dad/family but I hope everything is going okay. So, don't even worry about updating. Just take time to do you and let everything settle down for a bit. I absolutely love and admire your work. xx mee ofc 


Have you completely quit writing? Because I have noticed that you have not updated any one of your books since December last year.... I know that your dad has medical needs as you said in one of your author notice. I am head over heels with your Nicklouse fan fiction, it's one of the best that I have read. Anyway I hope that you can update maybe? This is NOT hate !!! Just curiosity x