Hi semua! It's me your Author. Mesti dah lama kan Author tak update. Yes I know that. Korang semua mesti tau kan yang cerita ni di publish tahun 2022 which is dah 2 tahun lepas. I publish this story when I was budak mentah lagi. Very obsessed with Wattpad. But not for now. As I was growing, minat membaca almost gone dalam diri I. Cara I mengarang also boleh jelas sangat yang I tak ada bakat dalam mengarang HAHAHAH. I wrote this story waktu umur I 13 . And right now in 2024 I'm 15. A lot of things happen. Minat in writing also gone. I lebih focus in study and my life. Bila baca balik hasil karya entah apa-apa I buat ni.. rasa cringe+malu. Like.. the audacity? So I decided to take down this book/story and making it less cringe and much more mature type of writing. Jalan cerita also probably will change like 50%.. I guess?? I don't know. I have an upcoming exam. So I have to focus on that first. After that, I can comeback writing just to complete this story/book. Only for this story/book. I felt like this karya needs an ending. Not a tergantung sepi. I would really love to came back and starts writing again. I have a lot of idea for a story. But I guess.. it just not a right time. So itu je curahan daripada Author. Bye guys!