
this message may be offensive
Just got back from school. Got exams rn, pretty sure I passed math with flying colours. Already have a guarantee that I'm not failing maths, might be failing Afrikaans, English is a definite pass. My day was shit, my girlfriend is sick and I can't take care of her so that makes it more shit, I'm hungry, and some dude was being homophobic as heck to me. My transport honked so loud that I've got a headache, I could hear colours for a bit, I saw sounds so overall, I'm doing shitty. How are you? I hope you are doing better than I am. 


@Kiyominty ...you heard colors and saw sounds


HEYYYYY!!!!! How you doin? been a minute


@BillKaulitzsStar I fail at typing often.


this message may be offensive
Just got back from school. Got exams rn, pretty sure I passed math with flying colours. Already have a guarantee that I'm not failing maths, might be failing Afrikaans, English is a definite pass. My day was shit, my girlfriend is sick and I can't take care of her so that makes it more shit, I'm hungry, and some dude was being homophobic as heck to me. My transport honked so loud that I've got a headache, I could hear colours for a bit, I saw sounds so overall, I'm doing shitty. How are you? I hope you are doing better than I am. 


@Kiyominty ...you heard colors and saw sounds