
OMG! I’m so so sorry!! IM SO DEARLY SORRY!!!! My phone got taken away since Feb and I didn’t have pc either cause it broke! But I’ll take a hint that no one cares...✌️


So I haven’t been able to post at all!!  But I’m working on it this summer.


Alright, I need sum help. So I like this guy and he kissed me on  Thursday the 28th and on Monday he’s doing sumin but idk...I’m having really high anxiety about this help me in anyway thnx


Anyways that’s just always helped me


Oof I would love to help but I can barely look someone that I like in the eyes. Ig just try to be confident but your best bet is to just tell him that you’re nervous or anxious and maybe he’ll try to make you more comfortable. 


Okay so...I know it’s late but anyways I just made two new accounts on social media. So I have twitter but I don’t post much since pays attention to me anyways also I have IG, it’s de_pression_ob_session or de_pressed_ob_session.