
Can't update book anytime these two weeks! Sorry! :(


Self update: I feel comfortable to post about my thoughts and feelings here during self-isolation because of the fact that you all do not know me personally apart from an exception so I know there will be no nagging at me constantly. Already self isolation has been a total toll on me, I am currently missing my girlfriend who is my only support system because she holds me and tells me everything is okay but now I cannot see her face to face. Texting and video-chatting isn't the same as physically being held by a lover or friend. I'll admit that I'm currently not doing well and being alone for so long as brought out some of my mental health issues such as my eating disorder, depression and anxiety/paranoia. I haven't been able to sleep, eat or even drag myself out of bed. I've been physically forced by family to get up and to shower but eating is a task I cannot bring myself to do currently. I just wish that I had the people I love most next to me but my family has declined the offer of me being able to self isolate with my girlfriend. But if you're reading this don't worry at all, especially if you're a mutual friend, everything will be okay and please take care of yourselves. I love you even if I don't know you, you matter to me :)